Monday-Friday 3:45 pm - 6:00pm
Saturdays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

1. Burial at Thebes
McGee Theatre
August 16 -- September 2 - BUILD
September 4 - 18 - LOAD IN
September 19 - 26 - TECH/DRESS
September 27 & 28 - 7 PM PERFORMANCES
September 29 - 4:30 PERFORMANCE
October 2 - 5 - STRIKE
Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus King of Thebes, Greece, learns that her two brothers Polyneices and Eteocles have killed each other fighting on different sides of a war. Creon, Antigone's uncle and newly appointed King of Thebes, buries Eteocles, who fought on the Theban side of the war, hailing him as a great hero. He refuses to bury Polyneices, proclaiming that any who attempt to defy his wishes will be made an example of, on the grounds that he was a 'traitor' fighting on the opposing side in the war. The play opens with Antigone and her sister Ismene discussing what action to take in response to Creon's new law against the burial of their brother. Antigone is reactive, arguing that Creon is breaching Divine Law by denying burial to Polyneices. Despite Ismene's pleading, Antigone heads off alone to enact the burial rites both for her own glory and for the preservation of her brother's soul.
Antigone is caught defying her uncle's orders, and is punished severely despite being engaged to Creon's son Haemon. She is sealed within a tomb and left to die. After a visit from the oracle Tiresias warning of the consequences, Creon eventually repents, but by then she has killed herself and is followed in death by Creon's own son and wife, both of whom commit suicide. Creon's isolation is complete and he ends the play a broken and lonely man.
Who Made it Happen
Ava Chaplick, Keira Chroniak, Juliet Drake, Sofia Fernandez, Ally Fischer, Matt Flaherty, Madz Generes, Emma Goodfellow, Ryder Graham, Alice Green, Malley Hirschle, Leeli Jackson, Alex Kamins, Cecilia Klobuchar, Ada Lanz, Isabelle Laude, Layla Lawrence, Luca Macika, Kira McClellan, Cole McPherrin, Maya Morton, Sully Pierre, Adam Puljic, Will Radzik, Charlotte Rimmer, Maggie Ruey, Mara Saltzman, Topher Senior, Mia Soffer, Sai Isha Swaminathan, Ella Swanson, Ava Thomas, Olivia Ty, Benjamin Walsh, Jacob Wilson, Caroline Wolfe, Addison Yanez
Assistant Stage Managers: Keira Chroniak, Layla Lawrence
Light Board Operator: Madz Generes
Sound Board Operator: Ryder Graham
Stage Manager: Emily Boyd Student
Lighting Designer: Madz Generes
Student Scenic Designer: Adam Puljic Student
Technical Director : Layla Lawrence
Lighting Supervisor: Keira Chroniak & Ryder Graham
Author: Seamus Heaney
Director : Hilerre Kirsch
Technical Designer: Dave Ferguson
Costume Designer: Alaina Moore
Sound Designer: Rick Sims
Make-Up & Hair Designer: Krista D’Agostino
Composer: G. Scott Russell
Graphic Designer: Judy Radovsky
Ticketing, Publicity, Production Assistant: Sarah Kropski
T-shirts, Program Layout & Merchandise Manager: Paige Alvarado
House Manager: Rhonda Geater
Project Gallery