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This application is for crew leadership positions for all productions produced by New Trier.   If you have questions about participation and expectations for crew leadership, just ask! 

Please indicate leadership positions which you are interested in.  Choose up to 3 positions.  We look forward to working together!

For a full description of Leadership Duties please use this link!

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Job Descriptions

Student Technical Director: The Student Technical Director will assist the technical director with all aspects of the production. This will include paperwork, communication, construction, planning, and other duties as needed. The student TD will report to the Technical Director daily and will attend production meetings (if possible). The student technical director will be expected to take initiative with regards to the leadership of the crew, and the successful execution of the production.

Student Scenic Designer:   The Student Scenic Designer will be responsible for helping design the scenic elements for the musical.  This will include research, sketches and color renderings.  The student scenic designer will work closely with the adult TD and the charge scenic artist to collaborate on this large scenic element for the production.

Student Light Designer/Light Board Op : The Light Designer (LD) will assist the light designer with all aspects of the light design.  Responsibilities may include drafting a light plot, paperwork, light hang and focus, and programming the board for the show.  The ALD does not need to be at the performances, (although they are welcome to be on run crew) but does need to be present throughout tech and dress rehearsals. (1 position)

Student Props Master:  The Student Props Master is responsible for communicating with the staff props master, the stage manager and the technical director about the needs of the production.  The student props master helps lead the props crew in the organization and maintenance of all props backstage during the rehearsals and performances. The Props Master will be in constant contact with the director and stage manager, so as to keep an up-to-date list of props needed for the production. The Props Master WILL be a member of the running crew, and will oversee the props crew.

Student Sound Designer/Sound Board Op : The Sound Designer runs the mixer and plays all sound effects. They must have an ability to listen and judge sound levels and be able to make constant adjustments to maintain a high quality sound balance. The Sound Designer must know the script and be able to anticipate sound and microphone cues.

Foley artist (2-4 positions). Foley artists use props to create and enhance live sound effects for film and radio.   The foley artists will have to be regularly available for rehearsals in order to learn their parts… kind of like learning their lines.  They will work with the props and sound designer to create the effects for the show.  They will be onstage during the performance and will have a filming day that will be edited into the final video.

Charge Scenic Artist: The Charge Scenic Artist is responsible for painting the show. This includes choosing and mixing colors and learning new techniques to recreate the scenic design. The Charge Scenic Artist should be able to think several steps ahead and be able to lead a small crew to complete all scenic art.

Master Electrician:  The Master Electrician (M.E.) is responsible for the hanging, focusing, and cabling of all lighting instruments to be used in the production. As time permits, the master electrician may collaborate with the director and lighting designer (LD) on the design and cueing of the show, and programming of the light board. Additionally, the master electrician will play an integral role in the striking of the lighting equipment, and the maintaining of owned and rented inventory.

Costume Crew: The costume crew will work closely with the costume designer part time throughout the crew process.  Responsibilities include pulling, altering and building costumes.  If you are chosen to be on the costume crew you will be expected to fulfill your crew obligations regardless of whether or not the costume shop is open.  You will likely end up putting some time in building and some working on costumes.


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